PIVOT | Personal Stylist For Men + Men's Fashion Coach

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How to Find Men’s Shirts That Aren’t Boxy

The majority of my clients have an issue with the way their shirts fit them. They complain they can never find something that fits just right.

Typically, the shirts they own just don't fit them well through the mid-section and end up making them look larger than they actually are.

If you've struggled with this, or if you just want to understand how to get shirts that fit, I created a short video for you.

In it, you'll learn the exact method to get shirts that actually fit perfectly every time. Click below to watch.

Watch the video here

Hope that helps you find stuff you like.

x Patrick

P.S. Myself and a couple of my clients were recently profiled in the Wall Street Journal. If you're curious what working together looks like, it can help give you an idea and some tips to improve your style.

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